Personal Training

Your most personalized training experience.

Our Personal Training program is entirely customized for YOU.

If you’re…

  • Ready to start your fitness journey, but aren’t sure where to begin.

  • Not seeing the progress you expected.

  • A gym junkie with a fun goal you want to hit, like your first 5k!

Personal training can help YOU achieve your goals.

  • Feel more confident in the gym.


  • Reach new heights in your physical fitness with support along the way.

Our certified coaches create a safe space for you to ask questions, perfect your form, and finally build the routine you’ve been searching for! 
You will leave your sessions feeling confident and excited to come back, knowing that your coach is always in your corner.

Ready to learn more about personal training?

Our Process

~ Book your complimentary consultation

~ Complete your assessment workout

~ Set goals and make a plan with your coach

~ Have FUN!!!

We view personal training as a collaborative effort between the coach and client, so we’ll start your journey with a complimentary consultation to make sure that personal training is right for you! This consultation gives us a chance to talk through your goals, roadblocks, exercise history, and more.

In your first session, you can expect to go through an assessment workout. We will go through a warm-up that focuses on mobility and finding your strength baseline. After that, we will move into our compound movements. These help us see how you move naturally, and then we will make adjustments based on these movements.

After your first session, we do all the legwork! We will design a program that perfectly fits your needs. Our coaches are both educated and empathetic, giving you a safe space to explore your health and fitness.

Let’s get started!

Our Clients Love Personal Training

  • "It truly has changed who I am and made me become a lot more confident than before. I am more comfortable with who I am because I am aware of what I could do. It has made me stronger, both physically and mentally."


  • "Seeing the gradual improvements over time. I’ve been surprised to notice them. In the gym, it’s realizing the weight is too light or that I can do something now that I couldn’t when I started. Outside the gym, it’s noticing things are easier to do with less pain."


  • "Personal Training has helped me be more consistent and disciplined. It also makes me feel more confident and healthy."


  • "I’ve done things I never dreamt of. More importantly, training has become a part of my life that I don't fear, hate, or put pressure on. I show up differently each week and I'm still able to learn something without any judgment on what happened the week before."


  • "I found group classes were only doing so much and I needed more one-on-one attention. Personal Training made me feel healthy, and I have become more consistent in my life with exercising. I feel stronger, am able to lift more weights, and have found correct form for my body."


Apply Here


Interested in working Personal Training? Fill out some info and we will be in touch.